
Supermassive AVX-512 Workload

The Supermassive workload, developed by Matthias Zronek, uses gravitional raytracing to render a black hole according to the General Relativity Theory. The workload makes extensive use of optimized Tensor math to calculate each pixel as fast as possible while utilizing all CPU cores.
For your convenience, we also added dynamic text displaying current system monitoring information. This is the same monitoring data as on the Monitor page. In addition, you can use the result bar chart on the right hand side to keep track of your workload performance improvements. Click the Launch Supermassive button to start the benchmark.

Supermassive AVX-512

  • Load: -%
  • Frequency: - MHz
  • Voltage: -.--- V
  • Temperature: - °C
  • Load: -%
  • Frequency: - MHz
  • Voltage: -.--- V
  • Temperature: - °C
Power: - W

Waiting for incoming results